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47º Cervantino International Festival / Don Quixote Iconographic Museum. 

Guanajuato, México.


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La Celestina Photography (@lacelestinaphotography)

Incipit Vita Nuova(New life begins)

The new life.  It's exciting  and rises through the centuries with a power that is surprisingly current for contemporary culture and artists. Antecedent to the brilliant Divine Comedy laying robust foundations on which to build an artistic work of transcendence. It can well be proclaimed as a safe shortcut to the via pulchritudinis. Once we have overcome the comprehensive difficulties derived from the modern distance from medieval culture, with a slight fruitful effort on our part, we can peer into this vein for artistic, spiritual and human inspiration.

As painters we identify deeply with Dante. He is the artist of uprooting, difficulty, of the painful pilgrimage, victim of betrayal, of the danger of looming death. Tireless fighter for his ideals and singer of love at its finest. Thus he enters his adulthood hand in hand with the most profound ideas of the greats of art, philosophy and theology to say categorically at the end of his youth: “A new life begins.” It is not surprising that the magnificent final purposes that the poet expresses in his youthful work are: the intention to perform the monumental, Divine Comedy and the desire to contemplate the Holy Face.

Through the varied historical, psychological, poetic and spiritual moments expressed in the Dantesque pages, we have developed and expanded pictorially, each in their own style and with their personal vision, the varied suggestions that the Dantean discourse inspired by Francis' Candor lucis eternale , states with simplicity: “The personal situation of exile, of radical uncertainty, of fragility and of constant displacement, paradigm of the human condition, which is presented as a path, interior rather than exterior, that never stops until it reaches the goal. We thus find two fundamental themes of all of Dante's work: The starting point of every existential itinerary, which is desire,  inherent in the human soul, and the point of arrival, which is happiness, given by the vision of the Love that is God.”

We can say with the poet: Incipit Vita Nuova (The new life begins). Welcome.


Exhibition "Migrations". Don Quixote Iconographic Museum.  Guanajuato, Mexico.


October / January 2020


Exposición migraciones

I saw his body lying, 2023
Oil on canvas, 120 x 195 cm

Alejandro DeCinti

MIGRATIONS, originates from the cycle of paintings "Ship of fools" that began to develop five years ago addressing the concept of "navigation as the happy trip or shipwreck" a metaphor for personal, historical and spiritual human life. Life similar to a sea with a vast horizon, beautiful and abysmal, wonderful, deadly, of quiet or impossible travels with uncertain destinations. When Sebastián Brandt published his Renaissance moral satire "The Ship of Fools" (1494), which in turn would inspire Erasmus's "In Praise of Madness" (1511), he made a sharp critique of the human condition using the powerful metaphorical image navigation that, by then, would discover for the first time the complete  shape of the world. 

Thrown into existence, each human being makes his personal and collective journey in search of the satisfaction of his needs, among which aspects as diverse as subsistence, security, fame, profit, knowledge or spirituality can be found. 

From a reflective view of the individual being and in the light of great philosophical or religious systems, human vicissitudes as a whole appear clothed in a tragic fundamental contradiction  transcript of the deeply human condition.

Quantunque volte lasso mi rimembra Every time the thought comes to me of the sorceress lady, of the woman for whom my chest feels, makes my heart sad and happy the painful mind and I exclaim: “Still, my soul, are you not absent? The unparalleled tortures you experience. “In this world, already so annoying, They make me pensive in inert fear.” And that's why to death, I call like a sweetest rest and I tell him to come, so sincere, I feel envious because I don't die. And it has the sigh of my sleeplessness a plaintive tone that death is hailed with persistence, because she was the limit of my desires when my lady victim was an abominable blow. Because his being, kind because of its beauty, since he left our presence, with such high beauty is confused that spreads in the heavens, light of love that every angel reveres. And his mentality, however subtle, shines in such a way that it causes wonder.

Exposición migraciones

Chapter 23, 2023
Oil on canvas, 150 x 116 cm

Heder contreras

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights establishes that "all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and, endowed as they are with reason and conscience, must behave fraternally with one another"; and that: “1. Everyone has the right to move freely and to choose his residence in the territory of a State. 2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including their own, and to return to their country ”.

Migration as a human right many times violated by countries, institutions and even by people, contains a series of vicissitudes that the migrant suffers for better or for worse, in my case I want to refer to migration from the point of view of those who remain. Entire families during the course of history have been affected by migration, either by going in search of a better life ... Many others by exile or the lack of opportunities in their native country, leaving behind a wife, children, parents and friends. many times without return. Leaving those who remain in a state of vulnerability, in this series of works I try to represent the dispossession, sadness and loneliness of these people, giving special importance to the role of women, who are often the ones who stay in charge of their lives. the family.

Donna pietosa e di novella etate (III) Then, with another painting I got distracted watching the sun go out, stars being born cry the sun with them, all birds cease their flight. shake the ground and present himself a man without courage telling me: “Don't you know, sore, that your peerless lady has passed away?” My tearful eyes lifted and like a rain of manna, I saw that the angels returned to Heaven. Little gentle cloud, rula indicated, and “Hosanna!” they proclaimed obstinately. You can admit it as I reveal it. Then Love said: “I am not jealous of you. Come our lady to see, how dead she lies My fallacious delirium He took me to the place where some women, in funeral duties, They covered my beloved with a veil. And in appearance I saw her so humble What to say seemed: “I rest in peace.” Luckily melancholy overcame me when contemplating so much sweetness in her. "Oh Death!" I said. In you I sense goods and beauties that I did not notice before. Well you lived in the body of my beauty, It's not fair that I have disdain for you. I will address you, if you do not come. Sister in paleness, wretched lady, My heart calls you!" Then I left, the duel over, and only with my longing I said, looking up at the Edens: “Whoever sees you, beautiful soul, how happy!” And you called me at that moment.

Exposición migraciones

Chapter 23, 2023
Oil on canvas, 150 x 116 cm

Emmanuel Sierra

Traveling through the world, through places and landscapes, is part of the spatial dimension of the physical act of migrating. Psychologically, the migrant faces a process of shock, where reality is confronted with his inner emotional space that refers to a home of limited dimensions, on a human scale. The homeland, places of the missed past that flows from the infinite and blurred birth, the infinite completeness of love, spaces full of personal meanings, the insignificance of man's physical being is confronted with the immeasurable dimensions of the world. The landscape and its precarious way of being in it becomes a fundamental framework of this human drama. 

This series focuses on the various natural contexts where dimensions and natural forces dominate, placing the being in its place, allowing the viewer to position himself and re-dimension the drama. Many times the scene can be tragic but there are undoubtedly subtle and sublime moments where amazement and wonder enter at the enigma of the meaning of the world and its formidable beauty.

Donna pietosa e di novella etate (III) Then, with another painting I got distracted watching the sun go out, stars being born cry the sun with them, all birds cease their flight. shake the ground and present himself a man without courage telling me: “Don't you know, sore, that your peerless lady has passed away?” My tearful eyes lifted and like a rain of manna, I saw that the angels returned to Heaven. Little gentle cloud, rula indicated, and “Hosanna!” they proclaimed obstinately. You can admit it as I reveal it. Then Love said: “I am not jealous of you. Come our lady to see, how dead she lies My fallacious delirium He took me to the place where some women, in funeral duties, They covered my beloved with a veil. And in appearance I saw her so humble What to say seemed: “I rest in peace.” Luckily melancholy overcame me when contemplating so much sweetness in her. "Oh Death!" I said. In you I sense goods and beauties that I did not notice before. Well you lived in the body of my beauty, It's not fair that I have disdain for you. I will address you, if you do not come. Sister in paleness, wretched lady, My heart calls you!" Then I left, the duel over, and only with my longing I said, looking up at the Edens: “Whoever sees you, beautiful soul, how happy!” And you called me at that moment.


Chapter 23, 2023
Oil on canvas, 150 x 116 cm

Manuel Rios

It was venuta in my mind (sonetto) FIRST START By chance it came to my mind the gentle lady whom I put for his merits God in the high sphere of humanity, where Mary is always. SECOND BEGINNING By chance it came to my mind the one who cries for Love, radiant lady when by his virtue, so powerful, You came to see what I was doing. Love, that I saw in my memory, woke up in the soul, from rest, With sighs he sent an imperious voice and they sprang forth with great melancholy. Crying, yes, they came out of my chest with voice that determines the presence of fatal tears on a sad face. And the loudest and most undone sigh He exclaimed: “O sublime intelligence; to Heaven, one year ago today, you ascended.”

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Antonio Decinti

Chapter 23, 2023
Oil on canvas, 150 x 116 cm

So much kindness and so much honesty She appears so gentle and so honest When greeting someone, my lady, that trembling the tongues remain silent, and the eyes do not dare to look at it. 4 She advances, hearing them praise her, clothed in humility, benignly, looking like a being arrived from heaven to show here a miracle on land. 8 She appears so beautiful to whoever contemplates, that gives to the heart through the eyes a sweetness that those who do not taste do not understand: 11 and you can see how it emerges from his face a soft spirit, and full of love, that is saying to the soul: Sigh. 14 New life (XXVI 5-7 [Barbi] | 17.5-7 [Gorni]) Tanto gentile e both onesta pare (Barbi text from the Società Dantesca Italiana – Casa Editrice Le Lettere) Translated. and gloss: AUGUSTO NAVA MORA – New life-Vita nuova, ed. bilingual AUGUSTO NAVA MORA (MIQ, 2023)

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Rafael Ramirez Maro

Dante, 2023
Oil on canvas, 100 x 150 cm

Come and understand how I sospiri miei Come to hear my cries, pious souls, what mercy asks for it. What dying, through grief, prevents me It's just that I throw my sorrows to the winds. I appeal to tears at all times although the crying to go does not decide. My pain is not weighed or measured if tears do not bathe their torments. Come to hear my call to the lady who went to the mansion that his celestial virtue required. Come to listen to me that I abhor of the present life and my destiny, since I lack his pious presence.

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Dante facing death, 2023
Oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm

Carlos Alvarez Hirt

ARS SALVÍFICA Art is a means for channeling emotions in human beings. This is a evident fact that becomes even more true when it comes to driving and giving an exit creative to a traumatic event, such as the death of a loved one. Dante wrote the Vita Nuova at a crucial moment in his life, the one in which he lost his beloved Beatrice. Art saved him. Their pain was transformed into beauty, into culture. We speak therefore of the power of language and art to express and interpret reality, making it understandable to human beings to the extent possible. However, words do not create reality, to the extent that they do not generate any entity that can be considered real, a thing. Now, things do not present themselves to us if they are not wrapped in words. Language is the field of appearance of things. He said Heidegger in On the Road to Speech that “nothing is without the word.” With this referred to this very thing: language is presented as that which allows things to be something more than its pure materiality. In a word, it introduces them into the universe of human. What's more, through language you can influence human behavior through through the perception of things in a given society. In relation to this question of the power of language, there is a phenomenon that in the current situation poses a strong threat to this fecundity of the artistic: the political correctness. Thus, political correctness is an element that has been transformed into a judge of our behaviors as social beings in many areas of life. our life. For example, in art we have to worry about the impact that our words, actions and in general, our works, have on certain groups social, religions, etc. However, what is the function of art in a society? Laugh at everything, question everything, since fiction is precisely for breaking all social conventions about what is respectful or correct to do or say in our social life. Stefan Zweig said in his autobiography “The World of yesterday” that when the human being is not oppressed by the norms of morality, whether this religious or secular, is oppressed by those of the State, understood in its aspect totalitarian. Thus, in our modern liberal democracies, in which there is no a totalitarian state structure in the fascist or Stalinist style, moral conventions, elevated to true dogmas of faith, they become the element that coerces the individual freedom and social dynamics as a whole. In Sigmund Freud's essay on jokes and their relationship with the unconscious We can read the following: “You can say anything as a joke, even the truth.” And it is that very often the truth can only be expressed in jest, since otherwise it would be too uncomfortable to be assumed without further ado. Fiction then becomes a theater in which life can appear strangely familiar. A truth veiled, wrapped in a comic or fictional tone, that can penetrate the societies of a less traumatic way than if it were said in a more stark way. Carlos Alvarez Hirt Lasso! per force di many sighs So much, alas, the spirit sighs -thinking about her, anger arises-, that my defeated eyes can no longer look back at whoever looks at them. They seem made for a couple of cravings cry and stir in a pyre. And Love, seeing their sorrows, does not withdraw crown of martyrdom with thistles. Such sighed feelings they give a sombre in the heart that Love itself, with effusion, warns her. And it is that the unfortunate ones carry within themselves the prodigious name of my lady and accents related to his death.

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Dante's Dream, 2023
Oil on canvas, 70 x 70 cms

Maria Jose Fole

See perfectly onne salute See all perfection with great fixity who sees, among other women, mine, and they must, those who go with him, Thank God for such generosity. So great is the power of her beauty, that, far from inspiring impious envy, He took me to the place where some women, of loves, and of faith, and of gentleness. Everything, at its mere appearance, is humbled; but it does not look alone in beauty, but rather reflects it through its environment. And such a spell in his actions shines, that no one would remember his figure without sighing sweetly for love.

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Beatriz, 2023
Óleo sobre lienzo, 100 x 81 cms

Monica Blazquez

Sì longiamente m'ha tenuto Amore For so long, it has dominated me Love for your virtue of lordship, that if at first it seemed hard, Today it seems softened to me. And when it leaves me stunned because the spirit escapes and goes astray, then, weak, feel my soul such enjoyment, that I feel distraught. Love then requires such power, that makes me sigh if I'm talking And, my lady invoking, increases, with pleasure, my complacency. Such happens if he comes into my sight, although there may be people who doubt it.

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The passing of the Vita Nuova, 2023
Oil on canvas, 80 x 70 cm

Beatriz Jiménez

Io mi senti' svegliar inside a lo core (sonetto) A loving impulse that slept had rebirth in my heart. And Love I saw that he came so happy, from afar, that I didn't know him. He told me with a happy mood: “It is your duty to venerate my value.” And just a short moment passed, looking at the place where Love came from, I saw my ladies Beatriz and Juana -one wonderful, another sorceress follow the route, towards us flat. And according to my memory it grows green, Love told me: “If Juana is Spring, The other is love, it seems to me.”

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Beatriz, 2023
Oil on canvas, 100x 81 cms

Ricardo Venegas

lto Celestina Photography (@lacelestinaphotography)


Dante's New Life
Painting exhibition


Participating artists:before

Carlos Alvarez Hirt
Monica Blazquez Butler
Heder Contreras
Alejandro Decinti
Antonio Decinti
Maria José Fole Medina
Beatriz Jimenez
Rafael Ramírez Máro
Manuel Rios
Ricardo Vanegas
Oscar Villalon

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